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Tomahawk Scout reservation

One of the highlights of our Scout's summer is a week at Tomahawk Scout Reservation. Our Troop typically attends Tomahawk during "Week 1" which normally falls towards the end of June each year (Father's Day Weekend). Here you will find important information for you to prepare for having a great week at camp!

Tomahawk Camp Dates for 2023: June 18-24, 2023

​Tomahawk Camp Dates for 2024: June 16-22, 2024

Tomahawk Contact Info

Camp Phone Number:  612-261-2455

Camp Email:


Mail at Camp: Mail is received and sorted on a daily basis.  Note, it can take three days for mail to reach Tomahawk, so please be sure to write early.


Mailing Address:

Scout Name

Cayuga - Troop 136

Sioux Camp

Tomahawk Scout Reservation

N1910 Scout Road

Birchwood, WI 54817

Still curious? There's a lot of great information on Tomahawk's website, here.

Need a Campership (Financial Assistance)? Submit your information directly to Tomahawk, here.

Health Forms (Youth & Adults)
  • BSA Health Forms are Required for ALL Camp participants (Youth & Adults)

  • Please provide the Troop with Two (2) COPIES of your health form (One for TSR records, which they are required by WI State Law to hold for 2 years, and one for Troop records).  (Note: The health form also requires a photocopy of both sides of your insurance card).

  • Part A & B can be filled out at home.  ANYONE (youth & adults) staying for more the 72 hours (combined) at camp will also need Part C to be filled out, which needs to be signed by an MD/DO, NP, or PA.

  • Forms are valid thru the end of the month of the following year it was signed (i.e. if you had your camp physical on 6/10/2022, it is good through 6/30/2023)

  • Forms can be found below.  Please turn them in to Leslie Russell during Shakedown (see below) or let us know when you will be able to get them turned in if your Dr. appt isn't until later in June.

  • If you find you are having difficulty getting you or your scout an appt to get the Form C filled out and signed, please let us know ASAP and we can try and help you out!!  We have a few resources we may be able to utilize within the troop and the Council.

Health Form - Weeklong

Health Form - Less Than 72 Hours at Camp

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Youth Protection Training

  • ALL adults attending camp for ANY amount of time are required to have completed Youth Protection Training.

  • YPT training can be done online at  If you already have an account, just log in to view your training or renew if it has expired.  If you do not have an account, you will need to set one up before taking the training.

  • If you need any help, you can reach out to Council Registration at (612) 261-2304.

BSA Registration

  • Any adult that is planning on staying at camp longer than 72 hours (i.e. longer than 3 nights) will be required to be registered through BSA with our Troop.  This can also be done at https://my.scouting.or.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Committee Chair (Steve Sullivan) or call the Council Registration direction (number above).

  • Note: Applicants will need to create an account AND complete their YPT training (above) prior to having their registration approved (or renewed).



  • All camp participants are required to complete Wildlife Training prior to coming to camp.

  • This training will be conducted at Tomahawk Shakedown this weekend (Sunday, June 4th) during various training sessions that will be held throughout the event.

  • If you are UNABLE to attend Shakedown and need to complete the training on your own, please review the Bear Manual and have EACH participant sign and date Pg 14 and return to one of the ASMs prior to departing for camp.  (Please note the Northern Star Bear Policy Violation Consequences on Pg 13.

Storage of Smellable and snacks

  • All smellables (i.e. deodorant, toothpaste, mouthwash, soap, shampoos, lotion, sunscreen, etc) NEED to be stored in a sealable plastic bin that can be kept in the bear box within our campsite.  (Note: the bear box is NOT a "mouse" box, so smaller rodents MAY be able to get inside!)

  • Snacks are ok at camp, but will also need to be kept in the bear box.

  • Please make sure your plastic bin has your name on it!!!   (Plastic ammo cases work will for smellables)


Ticks & Mosquitoes - The beautiful forests and wetlands of Tomahawk are also home to these tiny and annoying insects.  Please make sure you come prepared with bug spray (with deet, to help with ticks).  Pretreating clothes with permethrin spray ahead of camp can also help!   More information can be found at the Tick Borne Illness page.




  • Scouts should refer to the Personal Packing List for a list of recommended items to bring to camp.

  • Hiking backpacks are NOT required and many pack in duffle bags or plastic tote bins.

  • An extra pair of hiking boots or shoes are recommended along with shower shoes. Plan for at least one pair of shoes to get wet if/when it rains!!

  • Please make sure scouts come equipped with rain gear or a poncho.  No one has fun if they are cold and wet!!

  • Water bottles!!!  Please bring at least two and make sure they are labeled with your name!

  • Day packs are a great way to keep all your gear together and with you throughout the day!

  • Make sure you bring any material for your merit badges (i.e. paper, pens, etc.) as well as your scoutbook.  There is always time back at camp to also work on rank requirements!

  • If you or your Scout have any questions, please as an older scout or an Adult Leader... either one would be happy to assist!



  • All non-emergency medications that need to be taken by any Scout at camp MUST BE ADMINISTERED BY A DESIGNATED ADULT LEADER!

  • Our designated adult leader will be Leslie Russell.  Please coordinate with her for ANY/ALL non-emergency medication that your Scout will be bringing to camp!

  • Emergency medication like an inhaler or Epi-Pen should be labeled and with the camper at all times.

  • Tomahawk can store most medications that need refrigeration.

  • Medications must be in their original container with the camper's name, the name of the medication, dose, and frequency.  Please send a supply for 8 days, but not the whole bottle.  The dose and frequency on the bottle will be followed, so please ensure that all bottles convey the correct information.

  • All medication will be stored in a secured/locked container and out of the reach of Scouts.

Sick Call Times

  • Tomahawk does offer sick call times:

    • Morning: 9:00am to 10:00am

    • Evening: 7:00pm to 8:00pm

  • If you or your Scout need to visit Sick Call, please coordinate with an Adult Leader.




Trading Post - The Trading Post is a fun place to visit to get a slushy, buy some candy, or other camp merch while at camp!  If you do send your scout with Money (encouraged), please make sure they keep it in a secure place with their name on it.  Suggested amounts can range anywhere from $20-$50(+) depending if they want to get a t-shirt or sweatshirt or something.


Troop Afternoon Activities - For our younger scouts and those not wishing to participate in afternoon Older Scout Activities, we have submitted our top preferences to Tomahawk Staff for our afternoon Tropp Activities.  These will be open to ALL scouts typically during the 2-5pm afternoon slots.  Top voted activities included Ice Cream Outpost (bring money!), Aqua Trampoline, Troop Swim/Snorkeling, Archery, Rifle Shooting, Logging Camp, and Tomahawk Throwing!!  Scouts do NOT need to sign up for these as we won't know our assigned activities and schedule until we get to camp.


Fishing - Our camp does have a private dock that offers a great spot to do some early morning or afternoon/evening fishing!!  If you'd like, bring your fishing gear and try your luck!!  (Note: anyone over the age of 16 WILL require a WI state fishing license if you wish to fish.  15 and under do not require a license).


Electronic Games - Please leave all Electronic Games at home!!  This is time for camp... not electronic screens!!


Cell Phones - Cell phones will be allowed, so long as the Scout follows the Troops Phone and Electronics Use Policy.  This will be covered prior to camp and will include the following:

  • Usage

    • We ask Scouts (and adults) to keep smartphone use to an absolute minimum during Scouting meetings and outings and keep their use related to scouting topics.

    • Scout's use of smartphones, cell phones, and all other electronics must comply with all BSA policies, other Troop policies, and the Scout Law.

  • Confiscation

    • In cases of excessive use or inappropriate use, leaders may confiscate the device for the remainder of the activity.

  • Communication

    • The Scoutmaster(s) must be aware of any communication between the Scout and their parents, family, friends, or others and only when necessary.  

    • All calls to parents or guardians to pick up a scout early from a scouting event will come directly from the camp itself, a Scoutmaster, or another adult leader at the event. These calls will never come from a scout. If parents/guardians have a question concerning pickup, they should contact the adult leader in charge before driving to the event.

Past Images

©2024 Scouts BSA Troop 136

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