There are many opportunities for Scouts to complete Merit Badges. Scouts may ask a leader for a recommendation of a local Counselor for a badge they would like to work on. Scouts may also attend local or virtual Merit Badge classes. Here are a few resources.
Scoutmaster Bucky
A note from Scoutmaster Bucky: The Scoutmaster Bucky program is a volunteer run program managed and maintained entirely by Brian Reiners (Scoutmaster Bucky) in conjunction with the council of Northern Star Scouting and other Scouting volunteers. All content, scheduling, arrangements, and the like are managed by Scoutmaster Bucky. All proceeds collected go to cover program expenses and operating costs (including but not limited to building rentals, program materials, class materials, and technology support), with any profits (when and if there are any) put back into the Scouting program annually.
North Star Scouting Museum
A note from the museum: The museum offers dozens of merit badge workshops every year. We recruit registered merit badge counselors to lead these workshops. They determine the prerequisites the youth must complete prior to the workshop, and they are the ultimate authority in determining whether or not the youth has met the badge's requirements.
Northern Star Council
A note from the Council: Northern Star Scouting’s Activities and Civic Service Committee continues to work to connect partner organizations with Scouting volunteers to offer Merit Badge opportunities throughout the year. Using the Merit Badge program as the backdrop, program partners engage youth in a deeper understanding of a vocation or hobby tied to their mission and purpose as an organization. These small to medium size events focus on quality hands on instruction. Although space is limited, the intent of the Merit Badge series is to offer multiple opportunities for Scouts to take part throughout the year.
District F / Many Rivers
District F / Many Rivers offers a Merit Badge event each Fall and Spring. Our Troop will advertise the opportunities and they will always be available on the District F Facebook page.
Self Guided
Ask your Scoutmaster or Asst. Scoutmaster for resources to work on a Merit Badge on your own. This is always an option and there are many local Counselors we can connect you with.