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Tracking Camping & Service hours

Each Scout is required to record a certain amount of service hours and camping nights to complete many of the ranks. We ask that Scouts track this as part of their advancement. 


The information can be logged in the back of their handbook and shown to a leader or better yet it can be stored online at one of the following two options:

  1. Scouting Internet Advancement - detailed instructions to add Camping and Service Hours to your Scouts internet advancement site, are found here.

  2. “Scouting” Mobile App - you may also find the “Scouting” App in Google Play Store or Apple Store, which will allow you or your Scout to view all information from Scoutbook AND complete Camping and Service Hour tracking.


NOTE: For each of these methods, you will use you or your Scouts login information for Scoutbook. After the parent has been connected to their Scout in Scoutbook, they can log into the app with the same userID and password they use for Scoutbook.

Please empower your child to take ownership of these activities. While a parent is often needed to assist, please let them do the work.


The activities will be reviewed and approved on a regular basis or at the time the Scout requests to have the rank requirement signed off that involved service hours.

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